The AOS SÍ philosophy: Where luxury meets sustainability
A new chapter in a timeless Story
Established in 2017 with the vision to offer a unique sanctuary, AOS SÍ Lodges has entered an exciting new phase under fresh management since March 2023. We’ve listened to our guests and are committed to elevating the magic that makes this place very special.
Sustainability as a way of life
We don’t just respect our environment; we actively work to preserve and enrich it. We’ve transitioned to on-site laundry services that use ethical, non-toxic products, significantly reducing our energy consumption with a mindful low-ironing policy.
From your cup to our garden
We’re proud to say that all teas and coffees provided are not just eco-friendly but contribute to our on-site composting system. This, in turn, nourishes our garden, designed with permaculture principles at its core. It’s a cycle of sustainability that benefits us all.
Organic & ethical, down to the last detail
We serve coffee, tea, and herbal teas from Clipper, a brand we support for their commitment to unbleached, plastic-free, and fully organic products.